Monthly Archives - June 2013

Interview Preparation Advice for Manufacturing and Warehouse Jobs

Posted June 28, 2013

Congratulations! You’ve put the time and effort into finding a great new opportunity and you have a job interview lined up. Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard just yet.


Your Hiring Process Stinks and it’s Scaring Away Good Applicants

Posted June 21, 2013

At Ambassador, we have helped thousands of companies throughout the Southeast with hiring and recruiting strategies. Over the years, we have found that industry-leading companies all have one thing in common—a good hiring process.


Manufacturing Demographics – The Breakdown

Posted June 14, 2013

Each year the National Association for Manufacturing conducts a study to record the latest statistics and demographics of the industry. Within these facts and figures is information about how the manufacturing industry is improving throughout the United States and how industrial employees can begin to see changes in the job market.